Paolo has been in the Register of Certified Accountants and Accounting Experts of Genoa (Albo dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili) since 1993 and in the Register of Statutory Auditors (Registro dei Revisori Legali) since 1996.
He is a member of the “indirect taxes” study commission at the Order of Certified Accountants and Accounting Experts of Genoa.
He practices his profession particularly in the field of tax consultancy – in particular VAT and indirect taxes – and Italian and international corporate consultancy, tax consultancy for partnerships and individuals, tax planning.
He also carries out corporate reorganization activities for national and multinational groups.
He currently holds the positions of statutory auditor and chairman of the board of statutory auditors as well as being a member of the supervisory body for various companies pursuant to the Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001.
He was one of the founders of ilt Associati law firm in 1999.
1985 – Classical high school diploma from the “Liceo Ginnasio Andrea D’Oria” in Genoa.
1991 – Degree in Business Economics from the University “L. Bocconi” in Milan.